I know Ihaven't posted in a long time, but I wanted to post this here for you guys.
I sent this to my daughter today…
Hey... I went to sleep last night, knowing that Donald Trump probably won. He was only three or four points away from winning… I voted for Kennedy knowing that Trump would probably win anyway. I’m heartsick about Trump But I knew it would probably happen, and I know why.
I understand why Trump won. I kind of figured that would happen… that Kamala wouldn’t have a chance.
I think a lot of people only voted for Trump because of Kennedy, (Kennedy even told people not to vote for him even though his name would be on the ballot because he thought he wouldn’t win, and I think he’s right ) Tulsi, Gabbard, Elon Musk, and the other guy I’m forgetting who a guy that looks Mid Eastern, but he’s gotten a lot of good press too Is the reason I think a lot of people voted for Trump, hoping that Trump will actually keep his word which I’m not holding my breath, but… time will tell I guess.
Trump called Kennedy the day of or the day after he got shot and asked him to run with him.
I think also, a lot of people are seriously pissed off at Biden and Kamala for trying to force them to get the shot and that’s probably why they voted for him too.
There are thousands of people who lost jobs because they refused to get the shot, and I think there’s a lot of rage over that And the fact that people weren’t given a choice, Joe just got lucky, and not losing his job so many did lose their jobs because they didn’t get the shot…they should’ve had a choice and honestly that seriously pisses me off too, all the stress that Joe went through (it was incredibly bad ) and the religious exemption that he was given so many were not.
I think there are many Americans that seriously hate Trump, but who are seriously pissed off about the mandated Covid shot and I’m sure there are some of them who lost their jobs, because of it I know Joe was almost one of them.
Last night I felt so disgusted with the world but I think around 1130 or 12 I fell asleep…didn’t wash my face or anything. Just fell asleep, and usually that happens when I’m the most depressed.
I really hate the world right now but I get why people voted for trump… half of America are rabid Trump supporters and the other half probably can’t stand him but voted for him because he brought Kennedy on and Tulsi and Elon. It’s quite historic, but I am disgusted because Trump is a con man And fucking everything that I hate about men… and I probably live in a state now where too many of the men are more like Trump than anything else…and I’m worried that he won’t follow through really letting them help make things better instead screwing them over.
But despite all that, I’m praying to God, that somehow Kennedy and Tulsi and Elon will somehow be able to make a difference in a good way, though it breaks my heart to think what the hell things trump will do to immigrants even if they are illegal… I don’t care, they deserve some kind of mercy, especially the good ones who are just escaping war, and who just want a good life.
Anyway, just know I’m thinking of you and I’m sad too.
The dems should’ve gotten a better candidate if they expected to even have a chance…twice in a row they have screwed themselves over having candidates that fucking sucked… be honest I think people are seriously pissed off at because of the mandated Covid shot.
They shot themselves in the foot among doing other things that honestly screwed themselves over in the democratic Party and to be honest for doing what they did…they fucking deserve it if you ask me. I hope they learn a lesson here.
They thought to get their own way and screw over American people in the process. I honestly just wish I lived in a different country where there was just peace if there is even such a thing. 

I’m scared for the future.

I just hope that there is hope somehow because the man that is going to be in Office is a nightmare. He just better not pull anything on Tulsi Gabbard… She is a personal hero of mine and she does not deserve his disgusting pussy, grabbing ways…
I don’t understand why she supports him either, as an abused woman, it is really really hard to see because how could she could support a man like this?

Thinking about you. I’m sure you’re really sad about Trump being in too. I love you.